What are Articulation Disorders?

There are 3 basic types of speech impairments : articulation disorders , fluency disorders , and voice disorders . We will be looking: Articulation Disorders. This disorder impacts how speech sounds are produced when communicating, impacting the speaker’s intelligibility. These are best remembered as the acronym S.O.D.A. which stands for Substitution, Omission, Distortion, and Addition. Examples of a Substitution include: substituting one sound for another (e.g., saying wed for red), or leaving out sounds (e.g., nana instead of banana). Children, including adults (if not treated at a young age) have difficulty learning sound systems of the language, thus not understanding that changing sounds can change meanings. This gives rise to consistent error patterns (called phonological processes). An example would be: substituting sounds made in the back of the mouth (g, k) for sounds made in the front of the mouth (d, t) so that tab becomes cab and dot becom...